Mindfulness Health Presents...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympics and the Thrill of Victory

Hello All,

The special day has arrived, the day the Olympics begin in Vancouver. It is amazing to see how the Olympic Games are able to unite people giving us the ability to see beyond difference and embrace the common thread and thrill of victory. That word, "Victory" has been a significant aspect of my spiritual life. Many years ago my Guru gave me the name "Jayanta" which means "victorious one". When she did she encouraged me to conquer the ego and told me to "Be victorious before victory".

I have spent a great deal of time over the years contemplating this koan. What continues to come forth is our opportunity to come into the moment and simply BE the person we want to be. There are small victories throughout our day that can be celebrated. Longer-term goals can also be celebrated in the present moment long before they may manifest. Perhaps the real victory is the willingness to stretch, to reach and to search for victory in the simple moment of NOW. I hope that as you sit and watch the Olympic Games unfold over the next couple of weeks you realize your own greatness and set some goals for yourself and then empower yourself with a sense of victory that is here and now.

Since most of us will be practicing the popular yoga posture, COUCHASANA, during the Olympics try to get into the habit of paying some attention to your posture and your breath even while on the couch cheering for your team.

Be Victorious Before Victory!


Yogi Jayanta

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